Aus Geometa Lab OST
Version vom 2. Februar 2015, 00:12 Uhr von Stefan (Diskussion | Beiträge) (→‎PostGIS)
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Know How

Layer Package and Map Package

Layer Package (.lpk file)
A layer package (.lpk file) is a single, convenient, ready-to-use file containing an ArcGIS Desktop map layer or group layer and the data it uses. Layer packages were introduced in ArcGIS Desktop 9.3.1. Desktop users can create layer packages so they can easily share their data with other ArcGIS users, as well as make these layers, including their attributes and the way they have been symbolized, available for display in ArcGIS Explorer. Once you've added a layer package to ArcGIS Explorer you can work with its contents like any other layer. For example, if available you can click layer features to identify them, view a layer package's legend, hide and show its layers, etc.
Map Package (.mpk file)
With ArcGIS 10, complete map documents can be shared using map packages. Map packages include a map document (.mxd) and the data referenced by the map layers packaged into one portable file. Like layer packages, map packages make it easy to share maps that include the symbology of the source map by uploading the MPK file directly to ArcGIS Online or saving it locally and e-mailing it or making it available on a file share. Another valuable use for map packages is documenting your work, because a map package is a snapshot of the map and the current state of its data.


Enterprise Geodatabases unterstützen ab ArcGIS 9.3 (via ArcSDE) PostgreSQL: ArcGIS 10.1 Desktop unterstützt u.a. PostGIS und Oracle.

How to edit geometries stored in PostGIS (non versioned) with ArcMap and QGIS

Tested with: ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop Advanced, ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Server, QGIS 2.6.1 Brighton, PostgreSQL 9.2.9-3, PostGIS 2.1.

Follow these steps:

  • Given a feature class in ArcGIS.
  • With pgAdmin create a new database using "template_postgis_20" (let's name it 'mydatabase').
  • From ArcCatalog - System Toolboxes - Data Management Tools - Geodatabase Administration - Create Enterprise Geodatabase "esrifi" your previously created database (in the Database field write the name of the database (mydatabase) previously created with pgAdmin)
  • From ArcCatalog - Add Database Connection - connect to your "esrified" geodatabase using sde superuser credentials (previously created). A new connection will be created.
  • Right click on the newly created connection - Administration - Add user 'mydatabaseuser'.
  • Disconnect as sde and connect back to the database with the new user's credentials. Here is a trick: ArcMap have a latency in disconnecting the previous connection. So, delete the previous sde connection and restart ArcMap or do whatever you now to be sure that you are connecting as the newly created user.
  • Connected as newly created user at ArcMap - Right click on connection - Import - Feature classes; and don't forget here at the bottom of the dialogue box "Geodatabase Settings (optional)" to choose PG_GEOMETRY.
  • Go back to pgAdmin and in the user's schema (not the SDE schema):
 1. Define a primary key on objectid column :
 ALTER TABLE  mydatabaseuser.mydatabase
   ADD CONSTRAINT objectid_pkey PRIMARY KEY(objectid);
 2. Create a sequence :
 CREATE SEQUENCE mydatabaseuser.mydatabase_objectid_sequence START 10000;
 ALTER TABLE mydatabaseuser.mydatabase_objectid_sequence
   OWNER TO mydatabaseuser;
 3. Autoincrement objectid column values according to the corresponding sequence.
 ALTER TABLE mydatabaseuser.mydatabase 
   ALTER COLUMN objectid SET DEFAULT nextval('mydatabaseuser.mydatabase_objectid_sequence');


Siehe auch Personal Geodatabase

Tabelle: Geodatabase-Überblick
Typ File.-Ext. verfügbar durch RDBMS-Technologie Unterscheidungs-Merkmale Lizenz
Enterprise Geodatabase (+ Workgroup Geodatabase) - ArcGIS Server Enterprise Level MS SQL Server Express, PostgreSQL/PostGIS (ab 9.3) Versionierung (ausser PostGIS-Type?), max. 4 GB ArcGIS must be installed and licensed (ArcView or higher license required for reading, ArcEdit or higher license required for writing.)

10 zeitgleiche Nutzer

Personal Geodatabase .mdb ArcInfo und ArcEditor MS SQL Server 2008 / Einzelne Datei im Microsoft Access Format Versionierung, max. 4 GB, 4 zeitgleiche Nutzer ArcGIS must be installed and licensed (ArcView or higher for reading,or writing in ArcGIS 9.2).
File Geodatabase .gdb ArcInfo, ArcEditor und ArcView Dateistruktur (kein RDBMS) Keine Versionierung, 1 TB Größenlimit pro Tabelle, 1 schreibender Nutzer. Set of files in a directory ending in .gdb. Faster than personal geodatabase, can store more data. ArcGIS must be installed and licensed (ArcView or higher for reading or writing in ArcGIS 9.2).

Dazu kommt für den Austausch Geodatabase XML (Export > XML Workspace Document).

Für weitere Kompatibilitäts-Hinweise und Einschränkungen (bzw. kritische Typen von Geodatabases) siehe auch die Tabelle hier: FME FME - ESRI Compatibility.


Die Produkte lassen sich gemäss Hersteller wie folgt einteilen: Desktop GIS, Server GIS, Mobile GIS, Online GIS sowie GIS-Daten:

Die ArcGIS-Software-Produkte im Detail:

  • ArcGIS Desktop:
    • ArcInfo, enthaltend:
      • ArcEditor, enthaltend:
        • ArcView - user interface for viewing
        • ArcCatalog - a convenient way to organize and preview geodata
        • ArcMap - user interface for viewing and editing geodata
    • ArcGIS Engine - a developer product for creating custom GIS desktop applications; provides application programming interfaces (APIs) for COM, .NET, Java, and C++.
    • ArcGIS Explorer - free 3D globe to view and share information geographically.
    • ArcExplorer (Java) - ESRI's free GIS data reader.
    • ArcReader - free desktop mapping application authored with ArcGIS Publisher that allows users to view, explore, and print maps and globes.
  • ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Image Server
  • ArcGIS Mobile, ArcPad
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcObjects - die Basis-Bibliothek für alle ArcGIS-Produkte

Frühere Produkte:

  • ArcInfo 7.x - Vorgänger von ArcGIS Desktop und Server.
  • ArcView 3.x - Vorgänger von ArcGIS Desktop.
  • ArcIMS - Vorgänger von ArcGIS Online.


Lesen und Schreiben von Geodatabases


OGR (standalone) unterstützt ArcGIS-Formate lesen und schreibend.

AmigoCloud's GDAL/OGR Plugin for ArcGIS - eine Extension (Open Source):

  • Gives ArcGIS access to any of the vector formats supported by OGR. Since PostGIS is one of them, you can add it to ArcMap easily - just supply a Postgres connection string in the form of: PG:dbname=mydb host=myserver user=myuser . The plugin is free and Open Source. I have not created an installer yet (we have an installer that is part of a bigger suite for our beta users), but I did add experimental binaries that have been tested with ArcGIS 10.1 SP1. If you compile the code yourself, you should be able to make it work in previous ArcGIS versions, too.
  • Formats Supported:
  • Download (binaries) and Source : .


ArcGIS Projekt (MXD), d.h. Grafikkonfiguration (Darstellungsmodell):

  • nach GeoServer exportieren: BRIDGE Plugin for ArcGIS (kostenpflichtig) [1].
  • nach TileMill exportieren: (including all symbols, renderers, and labels): Arc2Earch TileMill Connect (frei, Beta) [2].
