3. Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil 2014

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The GP-Team FS14
Bilder von der 1. Mapping Party 2009

23. May 2014, starting at 14:00h, Building 6 (entry hall/foyer 'Seegebäude', see OSM-Marker-Stele), HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil .

(Mappers pls. fill in your name at [1] (23. Mai only; man spricht auch Deutsch)).


See als the hidden secrets around the HSR campus Wimmelkarte_des_HSR-Campus!


  • What's the motto? "Mapping buildings and addresses in and around Rappi (and elsewhere)!"
  • When does it start: 23. May 2014, 14:00h
  • Where's the meeting point? Room/PC-Lab 6.004, Building 6, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
  • Who's the organizer? User:Stefan (Prof. Stefan Keller from Geometa Lab at IFS, HSR)
  • Who participates? We expect a dozen people, mostly interns from Asia but also mappers from the surroundings.
  • What to bring along? Your GPS and/or your mobile device with fully charged batteries (don't forget the power charger). Drink and food are offered by the HSR

Participant list:

  1. Stefan Keller (organizing team from Geometa Lab at IFS, HSR) together with
    Rafael Krucker and
    Tobias Schmitz - Team Violet
  2. Phan Cong Minh (Minh) - Team Green
  3. Swarnima - Team Green
  4. Swoo Wei Cheng (Wei) - Team Green
  5. Chen Xianyao (Chen) - Team Red
  6. Liu Guanqun (Oliver) - Team Red
  7. Qi Zhang (Qi) - Team Red
  8. Hao Feng (Hao) - Team Blue
  9. Rolf Furrer, HSR - Team Blue
  10. Rolf Hotz, Mapper - Team Yellow
  11. Lukas Toggenburger - Mapper
  • Marcel Amsler, HSR
  • Daniel Kolb, HSR
  • Wang Kailong
  • Zhang Ruzhuang


Tentative Program:

  • 14:00 : Arrival at Building 6, HSR Campus Rapperswil
  • 14:10 : Instructions
  • 14:55 : Mapping outdoor
  • 16:30 : Work on PC (Edit)
  • 18:30 : Barbecue at "Fäschtinsle" nearby!
  • ...until 20:20 sunset or open end.


What is OpenStreetMap?

See OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wiki. The statistics showing the continuous growth of OSM are just stunning.

What's a Mapping Party?

See [2] (Was ist eine Mapping Party? siehe Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil).

How to Map an Address?

  • To be a contributor to OpenStreetMap, firstly register to be an OSM user [3]
  • Addresses can be tagged with addr:housenumber=* and the other addr:* keys. Tags can be added to
    • isolated nodes
    • nodes that are parts of building polygons ( = entrance=*s )
    • building=* polygons
    • on polygons representing the perimeter of the site.
  • Buildings with multiple house numbers - There is currently no consensus on this but here are some possibilities:
    • Create an address node for each housenumber and place each node somewhere on the building outline (or inside the building).
    • Separate the numbers by commas (e.g., "11,13,15").
    • Specify the range (e.g., "10-95"). This is the preferred method when such a range is officially used for the entire house. You may also use **addr:interpolation=* to describe whether that includes odd, even or all numbers.

See also

How to Map a Building?

  • A single building outline can be created for each building complex or 'block', which may relate to a single detached property, or to a row of individual terraced houses or to some more complex arrangement of properties. It is however better to create a series of linked outlines which share some nodes at the boundary to identify each distinct part of the property.
  • Buildings can simply be building=yes
  • If the building has an interior courtyard the use a Multipolygon relation to ensure that the courtyard is not rendered as part of the building.
    • Please consider adding house numbers nodes to buildings with tags in addr:*=*-Namespace:
 entrance=yes (if you know where the entrance is)

Why "Micro"...?

Micro has two meanings in this context: First, it's about a small party (usually it's about a weekend) - and second, it's about micromapping i.e. capturing of small scale features.