7. Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil 2016

Aus Geometa Lab OST
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Skyline mit HSR-Campus (Quelle: fossgis.de)
The crowd
Ready for barbecue!
 >> Fr. 20. Mai 2016 ab 14:15 Uhr << 
 >> Fill out this Doodle <<

Die Micro Mapping Party ist für alle offen - insbesondere auch für Einsteiger. Wir erwarten u.a. Deutsch-Schweizer Mapper, HSR-Studierende/-Mitarbeiter und -Austauschstudierende, Wikipedianer/innen, Geocacher/innen, Reporter/innen, Instituts-Praktikanten etc.

Über / About

  • Was eine Mapping Party ist siehe / See what a Mapping Party is here oder/or here.
  • Follow us on Twitter

Trending places experiment from 20.05.2016:

  • Holzbrücke Rapperswil (Wooden Bridge)
  • Kinderzoo Rapperswil
  • Schloss Rapperswil
  • Stadtmuseum Rapperswil
  • Bier Factory, Eichwiesstrasse 6 Rapperswil
  • Kapuzinerkloser Rapperswil (Capuchin Friary)
  • Gnipen

Das Programm / The Program

Tentative version (19.4.2016):

  • 14:15 : Welcome (Building 6, Room 6.004, HSR Campus Rapperswil)
  • 14:25 : Instructions: Intro to Mapping (Presentations)
  • 15:00 : Mapping (Outdoor) by foot (of tags like addresses and building-levels) in the area of Rapperswil
  • 16:45 : Work on PC (Editing in Room 6.004)
  • 19:00 : Barbeque (in backyard of Building 6)
  • ...open end ("until sunset...").

Anmeldung / How can I particiapate?

Registration: See header of this page.

What to prepare:

  1. Take along you laptop (if you have one, there will be free wifi); there are PC's available for those without own device.
  2. Charge your mobile phone (if you have one), else there will be GPS there and field papers and buddies.
  3. Take along power charger for laptop and/or phone (if you have one).
  4. You can also bring along some food if you want (actually there's enough there).

How to tag a building?

Keys relevant for tagging a building:

  • Way with tag: building=* (default: building=yes)
  • Adress:
    • addr:housenumber=* (and/or sometimes addr:housename=*)
    • addr:street=* or sometimes addr:place=* (conditional mandatory)
  • Name: name=*
  • Entrance: entrance=yes (if you know where the entrance is)
  • Height: building:levels=* or height=* (meters)
  • Roof:
    • roof:height=number (meters of the roof)
    • roof:shape=shape of the roof
    • roof:slope:direction=orientation in degree (only with roof:shape=skillion), other values see OSM wiki
