
Aus Geoinformation HSR
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Data Model (see osmaxx-docs on Github):

Osmaxx Data Model v.2
Table Name Description
address_p Stores address information regarding a place or building.
adminarea_a Administrative boundaries range from large groups of nation states right down to small administrative districts and suburbs, with an indication of this size/level of importance.
boundary_l The boundary is used to mark the borders of areas, mostly political, but possibly also of other administrative areas.
building_a To mark the outline of the area of the building.
geoname_l The boarder of a settlement which is marked around the node and to mark the specific type of settlement. Eg. City, town, village, etc.
geoname_p It is to mark the centre of a named settlement and the specific type of settlement. Eg. City, town, village, etc.
landuse_a Landuse describes the human use of land, for example fields, pastures, and settlements.
military_a See military_p.
military_p The military is for buildings and land used by the military.
misc_l This contains elements could not be categorized into specific tables. E.g barriers and cliffs.
natural_a see natural_p.
natural_p Used to describes natural physical land features, including small modification by humans. E.g glacier, volcano, mud, etc.
nonop_l non-op./planned infrastructure not usable for traffic.
pow_a See pow_p.
pow_p This it a place of worship where people of different religion can go. e.g. church, temples(buddist, taoist, etc.), mosque(muslims)
poi_a Points of interest features of a generic place, like shops, amenities, leisure, accomondation, pitches etc.
poi_p Points of interest features of a generic place, like shops, amenities, leisure, accomondation, etc.
railway_l All forms of transport using metal rails, including mainline services, subways, heritage lines and trams.
road_l Any road, route, way, or thoroughfare on land which connects one location to another and has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by some conveyance, including motorised vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians, horse riders, and others
route_l A route is a customary or regular line of passage or travel, often predetermined and publicized. Routes consist of paths taken repeatedly by people and vehicles. routes .
traffic_a See traffic_p.
traffic_p It contains information regarding the rules of the road. Which allow better flow of traffic. E.g. Road signs, traffic calming, etc.
transport_a See transport_p.
transport_p Features which mark out points or location where it enable transporting anyone from one place to another. E.g. Bus stops, train station, etc.
utility_a See utility_l
utility_p See utility_l
utility_l All features which are part of the utility body. E.g. Power structure (powerlines, power building), pipelines (oil, water, gas etc.), etc..
water_a See water_l
water_p See water_l
water_l All features which are part of the waterbody. E.g. Dams, river, etc.