Online Geoconverter
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Free online converters for geospatial data:
- GeoConverter - Convert from/to many GIS formats, like Shapefile, Interlis 1, and webservice WFS(!), etc. (using OGR) - a service by Geometa Lab at HSR.
- MyGeodata Converter
- MyGeoData - GIS Data Converter - Convert from/to many GIS formats. Uses OGR (like GeoConverter) and GDAL and supports all their formats except databases and webservices.
- Ogre - Convert form/to GeoJSON (using OGR).
- Online KML Converter - Convert Excel to KML, CSV to KML, Shapefile to KML, GPX to KML, KMZ to KML or DXF to KML.
Cloud GIS as converters:
Online converters:
- "Play with data" (list of online geodata converters.
- OSM2KML - Converter based on OpenLayers with reader/writer for GeoJSON, OSM XML, Atom, KML, Well-Known Text (WKT) (GeoRSS, GML v2 und GML v3 funktionieren nicht immer - abhängig vom Input).
Miscellaneous converters:
- Convert online between OSM XML and GeoJSON and back:
- Shapefile to GeoJSON converter
- Mapshaper - Online line simplification
- Shpescape (offline?)
- GPSies - GPX converter for many GPS-related input/output formats (NOTE: only lines!)