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British Columbia-Daten
Quelle: Paul Ramsey, Refractions Research, 11. Jul. 2007, [1]
Es folgt eine Reihe von SQL-Commandos:
HINWEIS: Die Daten zu dieser Übung (bc_pubs.shp, bc_data.sql) findet man hier (FOSS4G 2007 Workshop 4).
Simple Spatial SQL
create table points ( pt geometry, name varchar ); insert into points values ( 'POINT(0 0)', 'Origin' ); insert into points values ( 'POINT(5 0)', 'X Axis' ); insert into points values ( 'POINT(0 5)', 'Y Axis' ); select name, AsText(pt), ST_Distance(pt, 'POINT(5 5)') from points; drop table points;
Loading Shape Files
cd \postgis-workshop\data pg_setenv shp2pgsql -i -s 3005 bc_pubs.shp bc_pubs > bc_pubs.sql notepad bc_pubs.sql pg_shpsql psql -U postgres -f bc_data.sql -d postgis
Creating Spatial Indexes
create index bc_roads_gidx on bc_roads using gist ( the_geom ); create index bc_pubs_gidx on bc_pubs using gist ( the_geom ); create index bc_voting_areas_gidx on bc_voting_areas using gist ( the_geom ); create index bc_municipality_gidx on bc_municipality using gist ( the_geom ); create index bc_hospitals_gidx on bc_hospitals using gist ( the_geom );
Using Spatial Indexes
-- Unindexed query select gid, name from bc_roads where _ST_Crosses(the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1220446 477473,1220417 477559)', 3005)); -- Indexed query select gid, name from bc_roads where ST_Crosses(the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1220446 477473,1220417 477559)', 3005));
Indexes and Query Plans
-- Unindexed query plan explain select gid, name from bc_roads where _ST_Crosses(the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1220446 477473,1220417 477559)', 3005)); -- Indexed query plan explain select gid, name from bc_roads where ST_Crosses(the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1220446 477473,1220417 477559)', 3005));
PostgreSQL Optimization
open postgresql.conf
Spatial Analysis in SQL
-- What is the total length of all roads in the province, in kilometers? select sum(ST_Length(the_geom))/1000 as km_roads from bc_roads;
-- How large is the city of Prince George, in hectares? select ST_Area(the_geom)/10000 as hectares from bc_municipality where name = 'PRINCE GEORGE';
-- What is the largest municipality in the province, by area? select name, ST_Area(the_geom)/10000 as hectares from bc_municipality order by hectares desc limit 1;
Data Integrity
-- How many invalid voting area polygons? select count(*) from bc_voting_areas where not ST_IsValid(the_geom);
Distance Queries
-- Where is the Tabor Arms pub? select ST_AsText(the_geom) from bc_pubs where name ilike 'Tabor Arms%';
-- How many Unity Party supporters live within 2km of Tabor Arms pub? select sum(upbc) as unity_voters from bc_voting_areas where ST_DWithin(the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('POINT(1209385 996204)', 3005), 2000);
Spatial Joins
-- Find all pubs located within 250 meters of a hospital. select, from bc_hospitals h, bc_pubs p where ST_DWithin(h.the_geom, p.the_geom, 250);
-- Summarize the 2000 provincial election results by municipality. select, sum(v.ndp) as ndp, sum(v.lib) as liberal, sum( as green, sum(v.upbc) as unity, sum(v.vtotal) as total from bc_voting_areas v, bc_municipality m where ST_Intersects(v.the_geom, m.the_geom) group by order by;
-- Clip the voting areas by the Prince George boundary. create table pg_voting_areas as select ST_Intersection(v.the_geom, m.the_geom) as intersection_geom, ST_Area(v.the_geom) as va_area, v.*, from bc_voting_areas v, bc_municipality m where ST_Intersects(v.the_geom, m.the_geom) and = 'PRINCE GEORGE';
-- What is the area of the clipped features? select sum(ST_Area(intersection_geom)) from pg_voting_areas;
-- How does that compare to the clipping polygon? (Should be the same.) select ST_Area(the_geom) from bc_municipality where name = 'PRINCE GEORGE';
Coordinate Projection
-- What is the proj4 definition of srid 3005? select proj4text from spatial_ref_sys where srid=3005;
-- What are the native coordinate of the first road in the roads table? select ST_AsText(the_geom) from bc_roads limit 1;
-- What do those coordinates look like in lon/lat? select ST_AsText(ST_Transform(the_geom,4326)) from bc_roads limit 1;
-- What is the perimeter of the municipality of Vancouver? select ST_Perimeter(the_geom) from bc_municipality where name = 'VANCOUVER'; -- What is the total area of all voting areas in hectares? select sum(ST_Area(the_geom))/10000 as hectares from bc_voting_areas; -- What is the total area of all voting areas with more than 100 voters in them? select sum(ST_Area(the_geom))/10000 as hectares from bc_voting_areas where vtotal > 100; -- What is the length in kilometers of all roads named Douglas St? select sum(ST_Length(the_geom))/1000 as kilometers from bc_roads where name = 'Douglas St';
Advanced Exercises
-- What is the length in kilometers of Douglas St in Victoria? select sum(ST_Length(r.the_geom))/1000 as kilometers from bc_roads r, bc_municipality m where ST_Contains(m.the_geom, r.the_geom) and = 'Douglas St' and = 'VICTORIA'; -- What two pubs have the most Green Party supporters within 500 meters of them? select,, sum( as greens from bc_pubs p, bc_voting_areas v where ST_DWithin(p.the_geom, v.the_geom, 500) group by, order by greens desc limit 2;
-- What is the latitude of the most southerly hospital in the province? select ST_Y(ST_Transform(the_geom,4326)) as latitude from bc_hospitals order by latitude asc limit 1;
-- What were the percentage NDP and Liberal vote within the city limits of Prince George in the 2000 provincial election? select 100*sum(v.ndp)/sum(v.vtotal) as ndp, 100*sum(v.lib)/sum(v.vtotal) as liberal from bc_voting_areas v, bc_municipality m where ST_Contains(m.the_geom, v.the_geom) and = 'PRINCE GEORGE';
-- What is the largest voting area polygon that has a hole? select gid, id, ST_Area(the_geom) as area from bc_voting_areas where ST_NRings(the_geom) > 1 order by area desc limit 1;
-- How many NDP voters live within 50 meters of Simcoe St in Victoria? select sum(v.ndp) as ndp from bc_voting_areas v, bc_municipality m, bc_roads r where ST_Contains(m.the_geom, r.the_geom) and = 'Simcoe St' and = 'VICTORIA' and ST_DWithin(r.the_geom, v.the_geom, 50);
List of districts with given watershed
There are two tables:
- ) One table consist of 150 watershed polygons
- ) Second table consista of 500 district polygons.
and a watershed name called "Sussex".
Some of the districts are completely whithin one certain watershed (100%), but some has intersection with more than one watershed. How I can write SQL to know percentage of district intersection area with certain watershed (i.e. fraction of intersected district area divided by area of one watershed). As an output I will have 500 rows consiting name of district and percentage of its area in certain watershed.
1) If you want to list all 500 districts for a given watershed regardless of if any of it lies in watershed, then you would do
SELECT d.district_name, w.ws_name,
CASE WHEN ST_Intersects(w.the_geom, d.the_geom) THEN ST_Area(ST_Intersection(w.the_geom,d.the_geom))/ST_Area(d.the_geom) ELSE 0 END AS per_distinws FROM districts AS d CROSS JOIN water_sheds AS w WHERE w.ws_name = 'Sussex'
2) If you only care about the districts that fully or partly full in shed then
SELECT d.district_name, w.ws_name, ST_Area(ST_Intersection(w.the_geom,d.the_geom))/ST_Area(d.the_geom) AS per_distinws FROM districts AS d INNER JOIN water_sheds AS w ON ST_Intersects(w.the_geom,d.the_geom) WHERE w.ws_name = 'Sussex'