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Man unterscheidet bei den GIS-Datei-Formaten, 1. Rasterdatei-Formate und 2. Vektorformate.

Die wichtigsten GIS-Datei-Formate in der Schweiz sind (subjektive Liste ohne empirische Grundlage):

Succeeded conversions at GeoConverter website (Source: GISpunkt HSR S. Keller, 20.02.2009 - 3.12.2011):

Format in in % Ranking out out % Ranking Remarks
CSV 608 4.4 5 288 2.1 6 -
GML 225 1.6 6 496 3.6 4 -
GPX 2206 16.1 3 486 3.6 4 -
ILI1/ITF 119 0.9 7 433 3.2 5 -
KML 5909 43.1 1 3357 24.6 2 -
MIF 867 6.3 4 2286 16.8 3 -
OSM/XML 883 6.4 4 0 0.0 8 no OSM output available
SHP 2681 19.5 2 6269 46.0 1 -
ILI2/XML 225 1.6 6 15 0.1 7 -
SUM 13723 100.0 - 13630 100.0 - -

Fazit: KML, SHP and GPX are the 3 most used source formats; SHP, KML and MIF are the 3 most used target formats.



Siehe Grafikformate wie PNG, (GIF), TIFF (GeoTIFF), etc..

ASCII Grid (.grd)

Refers to a specifc grid interchange format developed for Esri / ArcInfo rasters in ASCII format which consists of exactly one attribute (channel). The format consists of a header that specifies the geographic domain and resolution, followed by the actual grid cell values. Usually the file extension is .asc, but recent versions of ESRI software also recognize the extension .grd.

Es können Werte von entweder integer (+/- 2 Milliarden) oder Float (+/- 10E38, 15 Digits) verwaltet werden.



The numbers of rows and columns are defined in the Grid NDX, NDY fields of the corresponding windows.

This format is used to export distributions in a ArcInfo compatible ASCII grid format. Cell Origin 0 or 0.5.


 ncols [number of columns]
 nrows [number of rows]
 xllcorner [x coordinate of lower left corner]
 yllcorner [y coordinate of lower left corner]
 cellsize  [cell size in meters]
 nodata_value [value which will be used if no data in grid cell; default is -9999]
 row 1 
 row 2




.csv oder andere (.txt)


  • .dxf
  • .dwg


  • .rss: GeoRSS Simple/RSS
  • .atom: GeoRSS Simple/Atom
  • auch .xml


Geography Markup Language

  • .gml
  • auch .xml


  • .ili: Datenbeschreibung (ASCII)
  • .itf: INTERLIS 1-Format ITF (ASCII)
  • .xml: INTERLIS 2-Format (XML)
  • .uml: UML/INTERLIS-Format (XML)


.kml .kmz


  • .html



  • .shp Ein Shapefile besteht aus einem zwingenden Paar mit Endung .shp und .dbf. (siehe auch unten).

ESRI GIS-Datei-Formate

ESRI-Formate und ihre Extensions:

  • .aep = ArcExporer-Projekt-Datei
  • .shp: The Shapefile contains the geospatial data (Shapefile, Shape).
  • .shx: The SHX file contains the index of the geospatial data (derived from shp).
  • .dbf: The DBF file contains the attribute data in dBASE format.
  • .prj: The PRJ file contains the coordinate system information (optional).
  • .avl: The AVL file contains the legend information (optional).
  • .sbn/.sbx: The SBN and SBX files contain the spatial index of the geospatial data (optional).
  • .xml: The XML file (*.shp.xml) contains the metadata describing the data set (optional).
  • .grd: ASCII Grid (siehe oben)
  • .tfw, .jgw: Siehe World file.
  • .gdb: File Geodatabase (Directory)
  • .mdb: Personal Geodatabase - Einzelne Datei im Microsoft Access Format

ArcExplorer kann ArcView-Projekte darstellen: .aep = ArcExporer-Projekt-Datei
