Mapathon UZH DSI 2025

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Mapathon @ UZH DSI 2025 - Mapping for a more inclusive city and humanitarian action

This event is about putting vulnerable people on the map, specifically mapping for the disabled and for humanitarian action, using OpenStreetMap, a free map of the world, created by people like you!

  • Date/Time: Fr. 28 March 2025, 14:00-21:00
  • Location: Rämistrasse 69, CH-8001 Zürich (Event Room/DSI SOC-E-010). The location is fully accessible by wheelchair.
 Register by a simple e-mail to Stefan Keller with subject #MapathonUZHDSI2025


We map two main areas and topics: Mapping sidewalks for wheelchair routing in Zurich city (Group W) and mapping for humanitarian actions (Group H).

  • Why participate? Because, it is not only fun to be part of this crowdsourced, participatory project, but you'll also contribute to creating a more inclusive city!
  • What is a Mapathon and a Mapping Party? Learn more here.
  • What is OpenStreetMap? See e.g. here.
  • What is the Swiss OpenStreetMap Association (SOSM) and DIZH-funded project ZuReach See and ZuReach
  • Follow us on e.g. Mastodon

Useful information

This mapathon is held in english (german is also OK) and it's compliant with the Richtlinien ('Directed Editing Policy') of OSM.

This Mapathon is free of charge. It is mainly sponsored by the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) of the University of Zürich (UZH) as part of the DIZH-funded project ZuReach, with additional support from FH OST. It's also supported by the Missing Maps Zürich and the International Office, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences - OST, Rapperswil (Switzerland). It will be organised by Prof. Stefan Keller (FH OST and SOSM board member), who has organised many mapping parties and was inspired by the Missing Maps students in Zurich and University of Heidelberg as well as Dr. Hoda Allahbakhshi, Academic Associate at the DSI and Department of Geography, UZH, and ZuReach Project Manager.

 What to prepare? Catering is provided, but feel free to bring sweets. 
 Don’t forget to bring good vibes, your laptop with a charger, and make sure to read the sections below carefully.


 14:00 Welcome and Introduction - Hoda and Stefan
 14:20 Instructions, general and for group W - Stefan
 14:40 Instructions, for group H - Daniel 
 14:50 Assigning to two groups W and H - Stefan (all)
 15:00 Group W Mapping sidewalks - Stefan 
 15:00 Group H Mapping for humanitarian actions - Daniel
 18:00 Wrapping up - Stefan (all)
 18:30 Food & Drinks (Pizza)
 ~21:00: End

How to map?

 Changeset-comment: Hashtag #MapathonUZHDSI2025

Mapping sidewalks:

Mapping for humanitarian action:

We use Etherpad! tba. (see last mapathon/hackathon)

See also past Mapathons and Mapping Parties: +

Recommended mobile apps:

  • Navigation: Organic Maps, (tbc. ...)
  • Editing: EveryDoor, (tbc. ...)

Selected show cases enabled by OpenStreetMap data: